M person은 아더왕의 여동생인 마법사 모건 르 페이 였다.^^ 그렇게 M person의 정체가 밝혀지고 매직트리하우스가 사라지면서 무료한 날들을 보내던 잭과 애니. 그러던 어느 날 갑자기 frog creek에 매직트리하우스가 다시 나타난다. 도와달라는 모건 르 페이의 의문의 쪽지와 함께... 잭과 애니는 마법에 갇힌 모건을 위해 다시 시간여행을 시작한다. 첫번째로 중세 일본의 닌자를 만나러 간다. 잭과 애니는 또 어떤 모험을 하게 될지~!
use nature, be nature, follow nature... 매리 포프 오스본 작가도 도덕경을 읽었던 것일까?ㅎㅎ
자연을 따르는 멋진 표현이 나온다.
He tried to be part of the rock. Jack tried to be as still as the rock. As solid as the rock. As quite as rock.
*5권 단어장
chirp : to make a short high-pitched sound
admit : to say usually in an unwilling way that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something)
pat : to lightly touch (someone or something) with your hand usually several times in order to show affection or approval or to provide comfort
squeak : to make a short, high-pitched cry or noise
plain : having no pattern or decoration , not having any added or extra things , easy to see or understand , simple and honest , not unusual or special in any way
crawl : to move on your hands and knees , to move with the body close to or on the ground
clue : something that helps a person find something, understand something, or solve a mystery or puzzle
glance : to look at someone or something very quickly
shiver : to shake slightly because you are cold, afraid, etc.
spine : the row of connected bones down the middle of the back
rush : to move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows you are in a hurry , to run toward (someone or something) very quickly
stream : a natural flow of water that is smaller than a river
strapped : to fasten (someone or something) by using a strap
scoop : to pick up and move (something) with a scoop, a spoon, etc. , to pick up (something or someone) in one quick, continuous motion , to make (a hole, hollow, etc.) by using a scoop, spoon, etc.
pouch : a small bag
sweatshirt : a piece of clothing for the upper part of your body that is made from a thick, soft material
peek : to look at someone or something secretly especially from a hidden place
grove : a small group of trees
crouch : to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs , to lie on the stomach close to the ground with the legs bent
windowsill : a narrow shelf that is attached to the bottom of a window
wildly : in an uncontrolled or excited way
leap : to jump from a surface , to jump over (something)
trunk : the thick main stem of a tree
huddle : to come close together in a group , to sit or lie in a curled or bent position , to come together to talk about something privately
dart : to run or move quickly or suddenly in a particular direction or to a particular place
rung : a piece of wood or metal that is placed between the legs of a chair for support , one of the pieces of wood or metal that is used as a step on a ladder , a position or level within a group, organization, etc., that is higher or lower than others
streak : to make long lines of a different color on or in (something) , to go or move very quickly
wade : to walk through water , to move or proceed with difficulty
swirl : to move in circles or to cause (something) to move in circles
shallow : having a small distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point , not caring about or involving serious or important things
sneaker : a shoe with a rubber sole that is designed for people to wear while running, playing sports, etc.
squishy : soft and often wet
struggle : to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems , to move with difficulty or with great effort
stare : to look at someone or something for a long time often with your eyes wide open
motion : to make a movement of your hand, head, etc., that tells someone to move or act in a certain way
flicker : to burn or glow in an unsteady way , to produce an unsteady light , to appear or pass briefly or quickly
weave : to make something (such as cloth) by crossing threads or other long pieces of material over and under each other , to move from side to side while going forward especially in order to avoid the people or things that are in front of you , to create (a web)
poke : to push your finger or something thin or pointed into or at someone or something , to make (a hole) in something by pushing something sharp or pointed through or into it , to stick out so that a part can be seen
sparkle : to produce small flashes of light , to be or become bright and lively
prove : to show the existence, truth, or correctness of (something) by using evidence, logic, etc. , to show that (someone or something) has a particular quality, ability, etc. , to turn out to be
worthy : good and deserving respect, praise, or attention , having enough good qualities to be considered important, useful, etc.
fierce : very violent , having or showing a lot of strong emotion , very harsh or powerful
beware : to be careful , to act in a way that shows you know that there may be danger or trouble
confused : unable to understand or think clearly , difficult to understand , not clearly organized, expressed, etc.
neat : not messy , clean and orderly , liking to keep things very clean and orderly , simple and clever
duck : to lower your head or body suddenly to avoid being seen or hit , to lower (your head) suddenly , to avoid (something or someone you do not want to see or deal with)
tap : to hit (someone or something) lightly especially with a small sound , to hit (your fingers, feet, etc.) against something lightly
gleam : to shine brightly
still : happening or existing before now and continuing into the present , without moving , without motion
pale : light in color , having a skin color that is closer to white than is usual or normal
chatter : to talk in a quick or casual way , to make clicking sounds by knocking together rapidly
chill : to make (someone or something) cold or cool , to become cold or cool , to cause (someone) to feel afraid
drown : to die by being underwater too long and unable to breathe , to cover (something) completely with a liquid
scamper : to run or move quickly and often playfully
vanish : to disappear entirely without a clear explanation , to stop existing
groan : to make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion (such as grief or disappointment) , to say (something that expresses annoyance or unhappiness) , to complain about something , to make a deep sound caused especially by weight or pressure
swing : to move backward and forward or from side to side while hanging from something , to move with a smooth, curving motion , to move back and forth on a special type of seat (called a swing) , to change suddenly from one state or condition to another
glow : to shine with low light and heat but usually without flame , to shine with a steady light
bump : to hit (something, such as part of your body) against an object in a sudden and forceful way , to hit and move (someone or something) , to move into or against (someone or something) in a sudden and forceful way , to move in an up and down motion over a rough surface