잭과 애니는 이번에는 피라미드를 보기 위해 고대 이집트로 시간여행을 떠난다.
she sure knew how to get to him. ㅋㅋ그녀는 그를 다루는 법을 알았다 ㅋㅋ
He stepped out of the hot, bright sunlight into the cool, dark pyramid.
그는 뜨겁고 밝은 태양빛에서 벗어나 시원하고 어두운 피라미드로 들어갔다.
She backed away from him. 그녀는 그를 외면했다.
미국 초등학생 교재인만큼, 문맥상 파악이 가능한 단어들로 이루어졌음에도, 많은 상황과 묘사들을 적절히 해내고 있다. 갈 길이 멀다고 느꼈다ㅜㅜ 다행인 것은 무엇보다 이야기가 재미있다 ㅋㅋ
* 3권 단어
tiptoe : to walk with your heels raised up and only your toes touching the ground
clump : a small ball or mass of something , a group of things or people that are close together, a loud, heavy sound made by footsteps
breeze : a gentle wind
sweep : to remove (something, such as dust or dirt) from a surface with a broom or brush or with a quick movement of your hand, fingers, etc. , to move or pass quickly, forcefully, or smoothly
rattle : to hit against something repeatedly and make a quick series of short, loud sounds
toss : to throw (something) with a quick, light motion
scatter : to cause (things or people) to separate and go in different directions , to separate and go in different directions
silent : not speaking or making noise
rescue : to save (someone or something) from danger or harm
parade : a public celebration of a special day or event that usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles (called floats)
sled : a small vehicle that has a flat bottom or long, narrow strips of metal or wood on the bottom and that is used for moving over snow or ice
sleek : straight and smooth in design or shape , smooth and shiny , stylish and attractive
perch : to sit on or be on something high or on something from which it is easy to fall , to put (someone or something) on something high or on something from which it iseasy to fall
strange : different from what is usual, normal, or expected
procession : an organized group or line of people or vehicles that move together slowly as part of a ceremony
sarcophagus : a stone coffin from ancient times
dreamy : tending to dream instead of thinking about what is real or practical , pleasant, peaceful, and relaxing
shove : to push (something) with force , to push (someone or something) along or away in a rough or careless way
disappear : to stop being visible , to pass out of sight , to stop existing , to die or go away completely
vanish : to disappear entirely without a clear explanation
pant : to breathe hard and quickly
silly : having or showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment
mirage : something (such as a pool of water in the middle of a desert) that is seen and appears to be real but that is not actually there , something that you hope for or want but that is not possible or real
frown : a serious facial expression that usually shows anger, displeasure, or concentration
slink : to move in a way that does not attract attention especially because you are embarrassed, afraid, or doing something wrong
dash : to run or move quickly or suddenly
peek : to look at someone or something secretly especially from a hidden place
loom : to appear in a large, strange, or frightening form often in a sudden way
burial : the act or ceremony of burying a dead person in a grave , the act of burying something in the ground
chamber : a small space inside something (such as a machine or your body) , a usually large room where members of a government group (such as a legislature) have meetings
tuck : to push the end of (something, such as a piece of cloth or paper) into or behind something in order to hold it in place, make it look neat, etc. , to put (something) in a particular place usually to hide it, hold it, or make it safe
musty : having a bad smell because of wetness, old age, or lack of fresh air
stale : no longer good or appealing , not clean, clear, or pure , having an unpleasant taste or smell
swift : happening or done quickly or immediately , moving or able to move very fast
past : at the farther side of (something) , up to and beyond (a person or place) , later than (a time) , beyond or no longer at (a particular point)
stammer : to speak with many pauses and repetitions because you have a speech problem or because you are very nervous, frightened, etc.
carve : to make (something, such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of , to cut (something, such as a pattern or design) into a surface
scepter : a long decorated stick that is carried by a king or queen
flip : to turn (something) over by throwing it up in the air with a quick movement , to cause (something) to turn or turn over quickly , to move (something) with a quick light movement , to turn (something) on or off with a switch , to change or move through (channels, stations, etc.) quickly
robber : a criminal who steals money or property
whoosh : the sound made by something that is moving quickly
terror : a very strong feeling of fear , something that causes very strong feelings of fear
pleat : a fold in cloth that is made by folding the material onto itself
glitter : to shine brightly , to shine with bright points of light
pound : to hit (something or someone) with force again and again , to beat loudly and quickly
faint : not clearly seen, heard, tasted, felt, etc. , very slight or small , weak and dizzy
squint : to look at something with your eyes partly closed , to cause (your eyes) to partly close
describe : to tell someone the appearance, sound, smell, events, etc., of (something or someone)
hieroglyph : a written character that looks like a picture
nod : to move your head up and down as a way of answering “yes” or of showing agreement, understanding, or approval, to move your head up and down as a signal to someone or as a way of saying hello or goodbye to someone
puzzled : feeling or showing confusion because something is difficult to understand
squiggle : a short line with many curves , a short, wavy line
jug : a large, deep container with a narrow opening and a handle
pole : a long, straight piece of wood, metal, etc., that is often placed in the ground so that it stands straight up
droop : to sink, bend, or hang down
rod : a straight, thin stick or bar
float : to rest on top of a liquid
drafty : having cold air moving through in a way that is unpleasant or uncomfortable
nowhere : not in or at any place
dim : not bright or clear
goblet : a container used for drinking liquids that has a round bowl on top of a stem attached to a flat base
weave : to make something (such as cloth) by crossing threads or other long pieces of material over and under each other
trace : to draw the outline of (something) , to draw (something, such as letters or a picture) especially in a careful way , to follow the path or line of (something) , to try to find (someone or something) by collecting and studying evidence
bare : not having a covering , not covered by clothing, shoes, a hat, etc. , not containing anything , having little or no furniture
except for : not including (someone or something)
glow : to shine with low light and heat but usually without flame , to shine with a steady light
wrinkled : having many wrinkles
squash : to press (something) into a flat or flatter shape
withered : dry and weak , thin and wrinkled because of illness, old age, etc.
rot : to slowly decay or cause (something) to decay
gross : very obvious or noticeable , rude or offensive , very disgusting , including everything , very big or fat
wrap : to cover (something) by winding or folding a piece of material around it , to wind or fold (something) around something else
tight : difficult to move , fitting very close to your body , tense or stiff , not relaxed
yuck : used to express disgust
shudder : to shake because of fear, cold, etc.
calm : not angry, upset, excited, etc.
heave : to lift or pull (something) with effort , to breathe in and breathe out (a sigh) in a slow or loud way
relief : a pleasant and relaxed feeling that someone has when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
faint : not clearly seen, heard, tasted, felt, etc. , weak and dizzy
crash : to hit something hard enough to cause serious damage or destruction , to make a loud noise by falling, hitting something,
creak : to make a long, high sound , to make a sound like the sound made by an old door when it opens or closes
rumble : to make a low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds
pitch : a thick, black, sticky substance that is used on roofs, boats, etc., to keep out water
weird : unusual or strange
lean : to bend or move from a straight position , to rest on or against something or someone for support
budge : to move slightly , to change your opinion or decision
squeeze : to press together the parts and especially the opposite sides of (something)
stumble : to hit your foot on something when you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall
shimmer : to shine with a light that seems to move slightly
rumbling : a low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds
mess : a very dirty or untidy state or condition
neat: not messy , clean and orderly , liking to keep things very clean and orderly
groan : to make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion (such as grief or disappointment) , to complain about something , to make a deep sound caused especially by weight or pressure
tip : to turn or move something so that it is not straight or level
prove : to show the existence, truth, or correctness of (something) by using evidence, logic, etc.
tingle : to have a feeling like the feeling of many small sharp points pressing into your skin , to feel an emotion (such as excitement) very strongly