잭과 애니는 2권에서는 중세의 기사를 만나러 시간여행을 한다. 해리포터 만큼이나 재미있다. ㅋㅋ

내가 쉽게 읽고 있으면서 마치 판타지 영화를 보는 것처럼 마법같은 상황들을 영화보듯이 상상하게 된다.

내가 알 정도로 쉬운 단어들만으로도 그만큼 생생하게 상황이나 행동들을 표현했다는 것이 대단하다.

Jack은 또 하나의 "M" 자가 찍힌 물건을 줍게 되는데... 다음은 또 어떤 이야기가 이어질런지^^


이런 문장이 있다.

Not only could Jack not lifted his head, he couldn't see anything, either.

not only가 앞으로 나오면서 도치된 문장이 한문장에 not이 두번 쓰인다.


※ 2권 단어

creep : to move slowly with the body close to the ground

nod  : to move your head up and down as a way of answering “yes” or of showing agreement, understanding, or approval
clip : to hold (two or more things) together with a clip
slip : to slide out of the proper position

cricket : a small black insect that jumps high and that makes loud, high-pitched noises
chirp : to make a short high-pitched sound
scary : causing fear
frown : to make a frown in anger, concentration, etc.

scare  : to cause (someone) to become afraid
glare : to shine with a harsh, bright light , to look directly at someone in an angry way

scattered : placed or found far apart
shudder : to shake because of fear, cold, etc.
moan : to make a long, low sound because of pain, unhappiness, or physical pleasure
shiver : to shake slightly because you are cold, afraid, etc.
damp : somewhat or slightly wet
loom : to appear in a large, strange, or frightening form often in a sudden way
yank : to suddenly pull (something) in a quick, forceful way
scoot : to go or leave suddenly and quickly
misty : full of mist

arrive : to come to or reach a place after traveling, being sent, etc.
drawbridge : a bridge that can be raised up so that people cannot cross it or so that boats can pass under it
moat : a deep, wide ditch that is usually filled with water and that goes around the walls of a place (such as a castle) to protect it from being attacked
protect : to keep (someone or something) from being harmed, lost, etc.
peer : to look closely or carefully especially because something or someone is difficult to see
peer : a person who belongs to the same age group or social group as someone else
piercing : the act or practice of decorating your body with jewelry or other objects that are attached directly to your skin
shriek : to make a loud, high-pitched cry
split : to break apart or into pieces especially along a straight line, to separate or divide into parts or groups, to cut, rip, or tear (something) especially along a straight line
ward : a section in a hospital for patients needing a particular kind of care, a section in a prison
fanfare : a lot of talk or activity showing that people are excited about something
announce : to make (something) known in a public or formal way ,to officially tell people about (something)
peacock : a large male bird that has a very long bright blue and green tail that it can lift up and spread apart like a fan
vanish : to disappear entirely without a clear explanation

mutter : to speak quietly so that it is difficult for other people to hear what you say,  to complain in a quiet or indirect way
plank : a long, thick board that is used especially in building something
creak : to make a long, high sound, to make a sound like the sound made by an old door when it opens or closes
courtyard : an open space that is surrounded completely or partly by a building or group of buildings
crouch : to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs, to lie on the stomach close to the ground with the legs bent
shiver : to shake slightly because you are cold, afraid, etc.
cobblestone : a round stone that is used in paving streets
awe : a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder
blaze : an intense and dangerous fire, a very bright area of light or color
antler : the horn of a deer or similar animal
rug : a piece of thick, heavy material that is used to cover usually a section of a floor
stroll : to walk slowly in usually a pleasant and relaxed way
toss : to throw (something) with a quick, light motion , to move or lift (something, such as a part of your body) quickly or suddenly , to move (something) back and forth or up and down
balance : to make (something, such as a plate or your body) steady by keeping weight equal on all sides , to adjust (an account or budget) so that the amount of money available is more than or equal to the amount of money that has been spent , to make (different or opposite things) equal in strength or importance
cape : a large area of land that sticks out into a sea, bay, etc.
fur : the hairy coat of an animal especially when it is soft and thick
crowd : to fill (something) so that there is little or no room for anyone or anything else , to take up much or most of the space in (an area or space) , to form a tight group around (something or someone)
wonder : to have interest in knowing or learning something , to feel surprise or amazement , something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc. , a feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
whirl : to move or go in a circle or curve especially with force or speed , to turn rapidly in circles
squeak : to make a short, high-pitched cry or noise
dim : not bright or clear

stumble : to hit your foot on something when you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall
flick : a short, quick movement
store : to put (something that is not being used) in a place where it is available, where it can be kept safely, etc. , to collect and put (something) into one location for future use
visor : a piece on the front of a helmet that you can pull down to protect your face, the part of a hat or cap that sticks out in front to protect or shade your eyes
chamber : a small space inside something (such as a machine or your body) , a usually large room where members of a government group (such as a legislature) have meetings,  a room used for a special purpose
clatter : to make a quick series of short loud sounds
yank : a strong, quick pull
fiery : having or producing fire

squint : to look at something with your eyes partly closed , to cause (your eyes) to partly close
mustache : hair growing on a man's upper lip
dummy : a stupid person
march : to walk with regular steps as a group , to walk with a large group of people who are protesting or supporting something
frantic : feeling or showing a lot of fear and worry
staircase : a set of stairs and its supporting structures
shove : to push (something) with force
clammy : unpleasantly wet and cold
hang : to attach or place something so that it is held up without support from below
filthy : very dirty 
puddle : a small amount of water, mud, etc., on the ground
creepy : strange or scary , causing people to feel nervous and afraid
quiet : making very little noise , not talking
unzip : to open (something) by using a zipper
whip : a long, thin piece of leather or similar material that is attached to a handle and that is used for hitting a person as punishment or to hit an animal (such as a horse) to make it move faster
gasp : to breathe in suddenly and loudly with your mouth open because of surprise, shock, or pain , to breathe with difficulty , to say (something) with quick, difficult breaths
sputter : to make loud sounds like explosions , to speak quickly or in a confused way because you are upset, surprised, etc.
howl : to make a long, loud cry that sounds sad , to make a long, loud sound
quake : to shake because of fear, anger, etc. , to shake violently

shut : to close (something)
row : a straight line of people or things that are next to each other
sack : a bag that is made of strong paper, cloth, or plastic , the amount that is contained in a sack
wildly : in an uncontrolled or excited way , very or extremely
slam : to close (something) in a forceful way that makes a loud noise , to set or throw (something) in a forceful way that makes a loud noise
tremble : to shake slightly because you are afraid, nervous, excited, etc.
passage : a long, narrow space that connects one place to another , a narrow space that people or things can move through, an act of moving or passing from one place or state to another , a usually short section of a book, poem, speech, etc.
precipice : a very steep side of a mountain or cliff , a point where danger, trouble, or difficulty begins
stamp : to bring (your foot) down heavily and noisily
loose : not tightly fastened, attached, or held
underneath : below or beneath (something) , on the bottom of (something)
tug : to pull something with a quick, forceful movement
rope : a strong, thick string that is made by twisting many thin strings or fibers together
crouch : to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs
damp : somewhat or slightly wet
creepy : strange or scary
barely : hardly or scarcely
shake : to move sometimes violently back and forth or up and down with short, quick movements
desperate : very sad and upset because of having little or no hope , done with all of your strength or energy and with little hope of succeeding
poke : to push your finger or something thin or pointed into or at someone or something
stick : to push (something usually sharp or pointed) into something
cling : to hold onto something or someone very tightly
ledge : a narrow, flat surface that sticks out from a wall , a flat rock surface that sticks out from a cliff
precipice : a very steep side of a mountain or cliff
splash : to move, fall, or hit something in a noisy or messy way , to move through water in a noisy and messy way

cough : to force air through your throat with a short, loud noise often because you are sick
flail : to move or swing your arms or legs in a wild and uncontrolled way
tread : to walk , to walk on or along (something)
afloat : floating on water
sputter : to make loud sounds like explosions
streak : to go or move very quickly
slither : to move by sliding your entire body back and forth
crawl : to move on your hands and knees
embankment : a raised bank or wall that is built to carry a roadway or hold back water
shiver : to shake slightly because you are cold, afraid, etc.
chatter : to talk in a quick or casual way , to make clicking sounds by knocking together rapidly
peer : to look closely or carefully especially because something or someone is difficult to see
grove : a small group of trees
swallow : to take (something) into your stomach through your mouth and throat

dismount : to get down from something (such as a horse or bicycle)
slap : to hit (someone or something) with the front or back of your open hand , to hit (something) with a forceful swing of your arms, hands, etc.
rein : a strap that is fastened to a device (called a bridle) placed on the head of an animal (such as a horse) and that is used to guide and control the animal
canter : the way a horse moves when it is running fairly fast
moonlit : lighted by the moon
rock : to move (someone or something) back and forth or from side to side
saddle : a leather-covered seat that is put on the back of a horse
shriek : to make a loud, high-pitched cry
steer : to control the direction in which something (such as a ship, car, or airplane) moves
brief : lasting only a short period of time
gleam : to shine brightly
fumble : to search for something by reaching or touching with your fingers in an awkward or clumsy way

daze : a state in which someone (such as a person who has been surprised or injured) is not able to think or act normally scoot : to go or leave suddenly and quickly
cozy : small, comfortable, and warm
ancient : very old , having lived or existed for a very long time , of, coming from, or belonging to a time that was long ago in the past
fancy : not plain or ordinary , very expensive and fashionable


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