* 7권 단어장

sigh : to take in and let out a long, loud breath in a way that shows you are bored, disappointed, relieved, etc. , to make a sound like sighing , to say (something) with a sigh
patch : a piece of material that is used to cover a hole in something or to provide extra protection to an area , a piece of material that is worn over your eye because of injury or for medical reasons ,  a small spot or area that is different from the surrounding area ,  a small area of land where a particular fruit or vegetable grows
reindeer : a large type of deer that lives in northern parts of the world
stamp : to bring (your foot) down heavily and noisily , to walk heavily and noisily ,  to use a special device (called a stamp) to put a design, word, etc., on something ,  to create a mark by pressing a special tool against a surface ,  to form (something) with a device that presses down on a material and cuts out shapes ,  to attach a postage stamp to (something)
booming : growing or expanding very quickly , loud and low , having a low rumbling sound
snore : to breathe noisily while sleeping
shatter : to break suddenly into many small pieces , to damage (something) very badly
moan : to make a long, low sound because of pain, unhappiness, or physical pleasure , to express unhappiness about something
jagged : having a sharp, uneven edge or surface 가
ledge : a narrow, flat surface that sticks out from a wall ,  a flat rock surface that sticks out from a cliff
cozy : small, comfortable, and warm ,  friendly and pleasant
coal : a black or brownish-black hard substance within the earth that is used as a fuel ,  a piece of coal or charcoal especially when burning
hollow : to remove the inside of (something)
braid : to form (something, such as hair) into a braid ,   to weave together (three or more strands or parts of something)
fiber : plant material that cannot be digested but that helps you to digest other food ,   a thin thread of natural or artificial material that can be used to make cloth, paper, etc. ,   material (such as cloth) that is made from thin threads
pile : a group of things that are put one on top of another ,  a very large amount of something
furry : covered with fur ,  covered with something that looks or feels like fur
mend : to make (something broken or damaged) usable again ,  to repair (something broken or damaged) ,  to heal or cure (a broken bone, a sad feeling, etc.)
scrape : to damage (the surface of something) or hurt (a part of your body) by rubbing something rough or sharp against it or by making it rub against something rough or sharp ,  to remove (something) from a surface by rubbing an object or tool against it
flint : a hard type of rock that produces a small piece of burning material (called a spark) when it is hit by steel ,  a piece of metal used for producing a spark
sew : to make or repair something (such as a piece of clothing) by using a needle and thread
gooey : wet and sticky
stuff : materials, supplies, or equipment , a group or pile of things that are not specifically described
squeeze : to press together the parts and especially the opposite sides of (something) ,  to get or remove (something) by squeezing something ,  to move into or through a small or crowded space
clown : to act like a clown ,  to say funny things or act in a silly way
cavern : a large cave
stroke : a serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked ,  an act of hitting a ball or the movement made to hit a ball during a game ,  one of a series of repeated movements by something that goes up and down or back and forth ,  a single act of moving a pen or brush when it is being used to write or paint
bison : a large, hairy wild animal that has a big head and short horns
woolly : covered with wool ,  made of wool or resembling wool
prehistoric : of, relating to, or existing in the time before people could write ,  very old or outdated
antler : the horn of a deer or similar animal
track : a mark left on the ground by a moving animal, person, or vehicle ,  a path or trail that is made by people or animals walking through a field, forest, etc. ,  a pair of metal bars that a train, trolley, or subway car rides along
windswept : exposed to strong winds ,  made messy by the wind
wail : to make a loud, long cry of sadness or pain ,  to make a long, high sound ,  to complain in a loud voice
gaze : to look at someone or something in a steady way and usually for a long time
fang : a long, sharp tooth
crack : a thin line in the surface of something that is broken but not separated into pieces ,  a very narrow space or opening between two things or two parts of something ,  a sudden loud, sharp sound ,   a brief change in the sound of a person's voice especially because of strong emotion ,  a weakness or problem
heap : a large, disordered pile of things
yowl : sad or beautiful in a way that is difficult to forget
pit : a hole in the ground usually made by digging ,  a large, deep hole in the ground from which stones or minerals are dug out ,   an area separated from and often placed below the areas next to it ,  a small hole or dent on the surface of something
tug : to pull something with a quick, forceful movement
puzzled : feeling or showing confusion because something is difficult to understand
shaggy : long and tangled ,  covered with hair or fur that is long and tangled
tusk : a very long, large tooth that sticks out of the mouth of an animal (such as an elephant, walrus, or boar)
kneel : to move your body so that one or both of your knees are on the floor
clutch : to hold onto (someone or something) tightly with your hand
nestle : to lie comfortably close to or against someone or something
dip : to put (something) into a liquid and pull it out again quickly ,  to move (something) into and out of something ,  to lift (liquid) out from a container
plod : to walk slowly and usually heavily ,  to progress or develop slowly
bump : to hit (something, such as part of your body) against an object in a sudden and forceful way ,  to hit and move (someone or something)
squint : to look at something with your eyes partly closed ,  to cause (your eyes) to partly close
prance : to walk or move in a lively and proud way
slink : to move in a way that does not attract attention especially because you are embarrassed, afraid, or doing something wrong
roar : to make the loud sound of a wild animal (such as a lion)
plunge : to fall or jump suddenly from a high place ,  to fall or drop suddenly in amount, value, etc. ,  to have a steep slope or drop downward
glint : to shine in small bright flashes
snarl : to growl and show the teeth ,  to say something in an angry or annoyed way
glare : to shine with a harsh, bright light ,  to look directly at someone in an angry way
snort : to force air noisily through your nose
lumber : to move in a slow or awkward way
rosy : having a pink color ,  having or producing hope for success or happiness in the future


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